Feb 14, 2011

The Base Station Box - die casting part

The base station box, a component of pressure die casting for a well-known mobile telephone company; through a die casting shop in Europe - AG Ltd, find an expert in precision die casting die in Taiwan - Giant Union Tool Shop who has over 3 decades experience in mold's design and manufacturing for aluminum, magnesium and zinc die casting.

The base station box looks like a storage container for contacts at a glance. Two magnets are placed where the circles are; and a number of holes are screwed the assembly together.

The wall thickness is extremely thin at the four places as highlighted on image, the areas are contributing to the problem of metal fluid slow. The metal fluid slow brings about the imperfections in contours because it may congeal before forming. In the first instance, GU Tool Shop suggested customer to increase the wall thickness at the four places to have a better solution. However, it can not put in practice due to the concern of assembly work. Finaly, our cutomer agrees to change the draft angle from 1 degree to 0.30 degree to solve the issue of wall thickness.

Flatness requirement is within 0.2mm in general, but somewhere as below figure are within 0.08mm. We have to pay attention to the allocation of ejector pins. The force of ejector must keep balance. The irregular shape and many places of penetration holes may bring about the possibility of deform.

We design the die tool in 6 cavities base with an eye to the large demand of parts. We have to adjude the parting line and ejector half for a mold's layout when we review the part's drawing. You can decide it by several points, such as the force of clamping and etc ... . This is very important to make sure that you design the ejector half in a right side to prevent parts sticking on the mold.

Gate area and cooling line -- It is thoughtful of the location of gate area to flow in metal at the same time for a multi-cavities die; otherwise this will impact on part's dimension from particular cavities. About the cooling line, the mold's temperature need to be controlled at the same. Therefore near the shut hole, the cooling power enhanced the area.

As below picure where the fan-shaped are that show up the match up area of assembly components; the component rotates die parts tightly with great precision.

The full discussion and communication before fabrication make the die casting mold successfully.

Sep 1, 2010

Cavity Insert

Cavity Insert

When it comes to the die casting tool design, we will make it to stand longer tooling life and repair easily.

The above photo shows a cylinder part and please pick up on the fins structure. This is the critical area where it is easy to crack and material to stick on the mold.

Two options are considered for design,

1) whole inner mold

When material stick on the mold during the die-cast, you have to dig out the material from those deep grooves in cavity block. In addition, the cavity block needs to be welding in the wake of fins breaking.

2) cavity insert

We design it by several slices of fin, each fin is an insert to be one of the component of inner mold. The fin is easy to be replaced. We opted for this one even though it takes time and costly.

Jun 21, 2010

Die Casting Die's Component - Inner Mold

I am jubilant about a big progress towards the professional die casting die's knowledge.

Today I like to bring up the inner mold. It took my several weeks to identify the distinct from ejector and stationary inner mold; the learning made me dizzy.

Ejector Inner Mold

1) The location of sprue spreader will be a step
2) The ejector pins will be located in the runner, ejector side

Stationery / Fixed Inner Mold

Look, there are two half-round steps and that is for shot hole.

In short, that is the most simplest way for me to learn. Writing emails to me if you can tell me more; thanks



May 30, 2010

Die Casting Die's Component - Mold Base

In recent months, I am sick and tired of my colleague's jeers. They mock at me for insufficient knowledge of mold. Though my professional is business sales, I must wake up to the fact that I do not understand my company's products - die casting dies very well. Whether I like it or not, I have to cross over my professional into engineering.

I made a plan; I would step into the working area every day to see the every courses of manufacturing. I am ready to catch balls.

Today, I am learing how to tell the difference between ejector mold base and cover mold base. See attached photos; I picked up on several issues and sum up as following.

Cover mold base, basically at our design in Taiwan, it contains

1) a through shot hole
2) 4 pieces of guide pins

Ejector mold base, basically at our design in Taiwan, it contains

1) 4 pieces of return pins
2) ejector pins in the runner area

Above are just for common designs; die's layout is subject to part's structure. Sometimes return pins will be showed up in Cover mold base as well. In short, it takes time for me to get it.

Giant Union Industrial Co., Ltd



Apr 29, 2010

Tool and Die Design

Before commencing a mold project, we will spend much time on discussing part's design with customers. Mostly, customer's drawing derive mainly from the final product's function and apperance, or assembly idea. Unfortunatly, some of them are uninitiated with die casting concept. And that lead to some dimesions or designs are not working at die casting.

When it comes to die cast design, we put emphases on tooling life and simplification. Some say over 70% success tool and die design contribute to good parts in die casting; that proves the importance of die design.

One day our customer resorted to engineering comments for the part. The gate is located in the middle of the part in particular as blue area; and the ejector organization is within certain limit. In our opinion, it is better to utilize the bushing ejector to push the part out of mold as green area shown. In short, ejector organization is a thorny issue.

Though we did not receive the order eventually, we are pleased to assist customers of our own accord in die design. Please contact us whenever we can be of assistance.


Apr 7, 2010

Take a Look at Photos of Die Casting Mold

Please take a look at photos of our die casting mold; ejector half and stationary half.

The first procedure before shipment, the mold is in need of tempering in order to ellimate stress from the mold. That prevents the mold from easy crack during die casting. The second procedure, the mold will be coated with a kind of surface finish with a view to extending the tooling life and consideration for tooling maintenance afterwards. The black area is where the surface finish is.

We are not only focus on designing but conceive of longer tooling life. You can write us to follow-up this topic.




Mar 5, 2010



Do you pick up on the bores with different slope angles? To set the stage for the die mold strength and maintenance afterwards, we conceived of two slides design to form them out at a time in die casting.

We made a small slide to equip with a larger one so that two bores can be casting at a time. It simplified the whole structure on die mold.

Contact us via email :


Mar 3, 2010



In relation to the complex configuration, some great ideas on design has been gone up against the difficulty. For instance, the hollow areas, which way to form them? By inner mold or slide?

With an eye to the tool strength and long tooling life, you have to pick up on the location of parting line and runner. In the wake of difficulties, deforming and critial tolerance are in need of
breaking through.

Write us in case of any suggestions or idea on this design.


Feb 22, 2010

Hot Parts - LED Street Lamp

The Casting of LED Street Lamp - Heat Sink Base and Reflector Sheet

The casting weight is around 5 kg made of aluminum; the die machine size is 900 ton. In view of the deep and numerous fins, flat ejector pins are in need of necessary design.

The reflector sheet is plated shinny silver, whereas the heat sink is dull. The critical requirement of reflector sheet is flatness; however, it is not a problem to us. We are versed in difficult mold's design and fabrication.

Pay a visit to our webiste: http://www.gudiemaker.com/
Thank you