Feb 14, 2011

The Base Station Box - die casting part

The base station box, a component of pressure die casting for a well-known mobile telephone company; through a die casting shop in Europe - AG Ltd, find an expert in precision die casting die in Taiwan - Giant Union Tool Shop who has over 3 decades experience in mold's design and manufacturing for aluminum, magnesium and zinc die casting.

The base station box looks like a storage container for contacts at a glance. Two magnets are placed where the circles are; and a number of holes are screwed the assembly together.

The wall thickness is extremely thin at the four places as highlighted on image, the areas are contributing to the problem of metal fluid slow. The metal fluid slow brings about the imperfections in contours because it may congeal before forming. In the first instance, GU Tool Shop suggested customer to increase the wall thickness at the four places to have a better solution. However, it can not put in practice due to the concern of assembly work. Finaly, our cutomer agrees to change the draft angle from 1 degree to 0.30 degree to solve the issue of wall thickness.

Flatness requirement is within 0.2mm in general, but somewhere as below figure are within 0.08mm. We have to pay attention to the allocation of ejector pins. The force of ejector must keep balance. The irregular shape and many places of penetration holes may bring about the possibility of deform.

We design the die tool in 6 cavities base with an eye to the large demand of parts. We have to adjude the parting line and ejector half for a mold's layout when we review the part's drawing. You can decide it by several points, such as the force of clamping and etc ... . This is very important to make sure that you design the ejector half in a right side to prevent parts sticking on the mold.

Gate area and cooling line -- It is thoughtful of the location of gate area to flow in metal at the same time for a multi-cavities die; otherwise this will impact on part's dimension from particular cavities. About the cooling line, the mold's temperature need to be controlled at the same. Therefore near the shut hole, the cooling power enhanced the area.

As below picure where the fan-shaped are that show up the match up area of assembly components; the component rotates die parts tightly with great precision.

The full discussion and communication before fabrication make the die casting mold successfully.

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